What is Washi Tape?
Although there are many people who love working with Washi Tape, I still come across so many individuals who still do not know what it is. I am always super surprised when I see Washi Tape and decorative tapes everywhere I go. Is it because I love working with Washi Tape or is it because I subconsciously am aware of it?
Washi Tape is not a fad it is an art when it comes to creating so many beautiful designs. Washi Tape started in Japan as a decorative masking tape in 2006 by a company called Kamoi Kakoshi Co., Ltd. It was by accident when this company found a group of women using their masking tapes and decorating them - the original use was for making books. The idea has taken off!
Washi Tape can be found almost anywhere but how it is used and the quality of the tape truly differs with the manufacturer. The initial image on this page is a design I made for a birthday card for my granddaughter. I used the few rolls I had in the house and created a cutout card. I have since added that design to some other print-on-demand products.
There is a lot more you can do with Washi Tape and the list is absolutely endless. Last year we held a Washi Tape Challenge and 5 projects - one each week. Some were easy and some took a lot of work. The easiest one was to make a tray.
I purchased some books that helped me along the way - if you want to get some great ideas, then these books are well worth the investment. I have them all.
Your Turn to Try!
Here are the directions for making that tray - it will be your start on a journey of imagination and creativity using washi tape. I placed this on my Patreon page and made it public if you wish to download the directions for FREE. It is a pdf file.
Get Tape Here
Here are some Washi Tapes that I have in my store (most of these items will be bulk buy so the price is cheaper - just click here.
BTW Be AWARE - a note to mention that I have tried so many Washi Tapes and I have a big bin full of various sizes and shapes - not all Washi Tapes are created equal and many I purchased cheaply did not stick for very long - what a disappointment! My dollar store purchases were the worst!
Last Word
I hope you have fun with the Washi Tape project, I know a few of you have completed this project when we did the challenge in 2017. At any rate, you should have lots of fun testing Washi Tape!
More Projects!
Here are some more design ideas you might want to think about:
Don't forget to ask questions and post your project.
Until tomorrow...