Creating Your Own Style - Day 17

Creating Your Own Style - Day 17

I have been told by dozens of people that creating your own style is exactly what I need to do in order to successfully sell my design work. I agree in some aspects that style is important. To me, the brand carries far more weight. I have spent time trying to find out what my style is and have yet to put a finger on exactly what that might be.

I know that I lean towards nature and curvy lettering and I guess if you think about it, that is a kind of style.

If you look at my designs in the store or on Etsy, you may not be able to pick out what my style is (at least not for now).

After looking around I thought I might be into geometric shapes, after all, I created my Ladybug and distress circle designs from geometric shapes. I must admit I am not an artist in the typical sense of painting and drawing scenery, I would certainly fall into the very beginner stage there. I have more fun creating objects with shapes.

Yesterday and this morning I have been playing around with letters of the alphabet to create shapes. I came up with a few that I rather liked. I guess these are geometric shapes in a way but I am not sure if that will even come close to defining my style.

 I still wonder what style really is. Is it shape? or color? or subject matter?

Do you have a style of your own?


Can you tell which letters these are?

Until tomorrow...


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