Bette 's Makes (

Art and Nature on Day 13
Image from Microsoft Bing Desktop Images Art is all around us, when I look through posts from other people, I often find beautiful images of birds, flowers, and scenery. Often...
Art and Nature on Day 13
Image from Microsoft Bing Desktop Images Art is all around us, when I look through posts from other people, I often find beautiful images of birds, flowers, and scenery. Often...

The Daily Routine - Day 12
It seems that getting myself into a routine is the best way for me to get things done. Every morning I have been posting one of my surface designs on...
The Daily Routine - Day 12
It seems that getting myself into a routine is the best way for me to get things done. Every morning I have been posting one of my surface designs on...

Ground Hog Day! Day 11 of the Challenge
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Here we are at Ground Hog day and day 11 of the making challenge. It is like the movie, you seem to keep repeating the same type of projects...
Ground Hog Day! Day 11 of the Challenge
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Here we are at Ground Hog day and day 11 of the making challenge. It is like the movie, you seem to keep repeating the same type of projects...

Paper Structures That Pop UP! Day 10 Experiment
Here we are one-tenth of the way through the challenge and it has been so much fun! I have played around with a few different ideas and today is no...
Paper Structures That Pop UP! Day 10 Experiment
Here we are one-tenth of the way through the challenge and it has been so much fun! I have played around with a few different ideas and today is no...

A New Craft on Day 9 - Paper Engineering
Now I must say that paper engineering looks really complicated. I have seen popup cards but most do not take the skill to the next level (of course there are...
A New Craft on Day 9 - Paper Engineering
Now I must say that paper engineering looks really complicated. I have seen popup cards but most do not take the skill to the next level (of course there are...

Day 8 Starts a New Week - Learning From the Best
Day 8 and the start of the new week in the Challenge. Someone asked me this morning, "Why 100 days? Most Challenges seem to be 21, 30 or even 60...
Day 8 Starts a New Week - Learning From the Best
Day 8 and the start of the new week in the Challenge. Someone asked me this morning, "Why 100 days? Most Challenges seem to be 21, 30 or even 60...